Friends Newsletter to be Distributed Electronically
Beginning with the Summer 2018 issue, the Friends of Hart Mountain will distribute its Newsletter online only. This change has been adopted by the Board of Directors to cope with the costs of producing and distributing a hard copy publication as well to reduce the burden on the Board members who have been responsible for writing and soliciting articles, editing, printing, addressing and mailing more than 160 copies of the newsletter. Electronic distribution will enable the Friends to overcome hurdles presented by lack of office space, staff and equipment and by Board members’ being scattered throughout the state. In addition to reducing costs and workload, we hope this change will make it possible for the Newsletter to be distributed as often as quarterly. That of course will depend upon the availability of copy. Members can help by submitting brief accounts of their own experiences on the refuge for publication.
The Board realizes that this may pose an inconvenience for some members. We ask for you patience and understanding. Thank you for your support.
The Board realizes that this may pose an inconvenience for some members. We ask for you patience and understanding. Thank you for your support.